Thanx for the invite Mike, but I'd be interested to be updated on what Facebook is and why one would want to sign up for it.
I go to their homepage and all they say is some small slogan like people connecting keeping in touch etc. Not enough to make me want to give another website my name etc.
I have a phone, a web site, email, Skype. I am honestly wondering how could I be benefited by Facebook?
I did sign up for myspace. Somebody invited me to join Plaxo, or something that starts with a P and it said it was great deal too. I joined and I see no point to it. I don't get it. My wife says how good it is and trys to explain what it can do for you. I must be a little dense on this subject

Am I missing something? Or am I just old school?haha
If I could really benefit and enjoy this stuff I would but in the meantime it just kind of puzzles me.
[This message has been edited by Scott Langholff (edited 01-12-2009).]