Bought this guitar believing I could play guitar loops in differnt guitars but I happy with the Sounds of the T3 and the M3M should add mor nice guitars, So If anyone you know is looking for the An American Strat VG 3T Sunburst with Maple neck played once. Drop ,me a line. I'm looking for $1000 plus $25 shipping/ Retail $2400 MAP $2700. selling below cost.
Why would I sell a guitar I recently bought. My wide wanted to take the electric to here gigs . I told her if she replaces the Taylor with a Srat, people will expect here to rip of some leads. Not gonna happen so I said I would sell it and her 410CE Ltd and get her a T-5 instead. Best of all worlds.
Bought this guitar believing I could play guitar loops using the different modeled guitars but I happy with the guitar voices of the T3 and the M3M should add more nice guitars, So If anyone you know is looking for the An American Strat VG 3T Sunburst with Maple neck played once. Drop me a line. I'm looking for $1000 plus $25 shipping. Retail $2400 MAP $2700. selling below cost.
Why would I sell a guitar I recently bought? My wife wanted to take the electric to her gigs . I told her if she replaces the Taylor with a Strat, people will expect her to rip off some leads. Not gonna happen, so I said I would sell it and her 410CE Ltd and get her a T-5 instead. Best of all worlds.
[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 01-10-2009).]