If you go into the voice editor (voice set) controller tab and high light modulation there are boxes at bott. left where you can alter Filter and Amplitude (Voice Volume) which dictates how those controllers will react to the mod. wheel.
The defaults are 64 - ie. no affect at that setting.
I'm familiar because last year I decided to use the mod. function to modify the brightness of Tyros 2 custom piano voices I was working on (so in theory you only need 1 piano to cover a range of requirements).
I also use the volume effect in a mix to bring up one voice as a solo while taking down the other voices which can very smooth and effective especially for BigBand transitions. More useful than that, since you can assign "modulation" to a pedal and make the transitions hands free. So if you want you can increase the usefulness of each registration button by say double in this way.
It appears that Yammie discovered last year they had this feature available on their keyboards
and have gone to town on it in Ty3.
Not only lids on pianos, dumbing them down a bit (like the concert grand needs it
) but as Chris says you can hear the amplitude effect, sometimes filter over a large no. of voices.
Go to voice set to see what the settings are for any particular voice.
If it's a problem in some cases, you can set them back to 64 for no effect, or enhance them if that's what you want.
In either case they'll need saving to a registration or as a user voice.
[This message has been edited by jwyvern (edited 01-11-2009).]