Originally posted by BBBB:
Kingfrog. Thanks. I am not that technical so I appreciate the advice. Good news is that I have a gift certificate for $1000 for a music store here in Toronto. Bad news is its a music store here in Toronto! (knowledge??). Thanks for your advice Cheers! Brian
I think that the distributor North America for TC is in Vancouver. Maybe you could work something through the Toronto store. The Voice Live has many parameters that can be adjusted globally or individually. I use global settings that I got from the TC users web site. I think I would have been lost with out that info available. My TC Voice Live has GOOD pitch corection. As with many peripherals, it is easy to overuse. I play mostly midi in from my keyboard to control the harmony. It also has quite a few harmony models based on Key/Scale. If one chooses a model that has as many as four voices, you can easily bring them in individually as needed while playing. The one thing I like best is that I have my Yamamha FC7 pedal hooked to the TC to control harmony level. While singing I can smoothly depress the pedal to bring in the harmony voices that I have selected whenever I want and at any desired background level. I like the TC so much that I am really anxious to see what the latest Voice Live 2 will do. The Original Voice live sold for around $800 US. I see that some of the on line vendors have dropped that price below $600 recently.
Bottom line is, one must spend a fair amount of time learning and setting up the parameters to get the desired result.
Jay R