Today's the big day guys and gals. Please take pictures if you go. Videos would be nice too. I hope AJ hasn't decided to cancel it.

His lack of response on this thread that he started is a little troubling. Although as the saying goes: "no news is good news" could apply here. It would be nice if he gave some kind of confirmation though. If people show up to an empty building I suppose that means he cancelled it huh?

>> Oh, if it's still on and the infamous Audya is there you guys might want to consider a small bribe to get AJ to let you play it. Money talks as they say, right?

Hopefully it won't need to come to that and he'll let people play the Audya au gratis?

If it takes a bribe it's still worth it in my opinion because at least people will have a better idea of what this beast is all about. And that, my friends, is the ONLY way anybody will ever really know its intricacies and real true worth.
I will almost always and unequivocally need to play a keyboard first before I would EVER consider purchasing it. I also realize that that will probably be almost impossible for the majority of members on this forum, since the marketing of the Audya in the U.S. will be nearly non-existent i.e. very paltry, and a rare bird indeed to get your hands on - unless you buy it sight unseen like 99.99% of Americans will probably have to do because of its impending scarcity across the country upon its release in the U.S. of A.

But if people get to play it at the Jam(s) then at least we will have a respectable input and feedback from members who have actually gotten to play it firsthand. Which will then hopefully give us some semblance of an idea of its Key bed action, front panel user friendliness, OS navigation's ease of use, etc. Amongst other things as well too..
See how much is riding on your decision AJ?

Power to the PEOPLE!!

Do it, please? I beg of you...

Au gratis would be nice too.

All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 02-22-2009).]