Thanks, AJ for your prompt answers to those questions. I hope we never get that stonewalling we got the last couple of weeks again

This post, two weeks ago would have defused the entire mess, IMO...
That's some revolutionary stuff in there, AJ... I'll tell you something though... If the Intelligent Arranger has up to a 32 bar memory of what you played, it's capable of being linked to a Chord Sequencer and you could hand off the redundancy of repeating the chords altogether, and STILL introduce variation by analyzing the RH (or whatever new you are playing with RH/LH, too!). Once you acknowledge that there IS a lot of chord redundancy in popular music, why a tool doesn't exist to exploit this on arrangers beats me...
Now that Roland have abandoned the Chord Sequencer (ever play it on a G1000?), is there any reason why you can't add it to the Audya?
I tell you, the first arranger from ANYBODY (including MS or Wersi

) that reintroduces this amazing tool will get my cash no questions asked! I felt that Riff Mode ALMOST got the point, but preset changes was dumb (sorry!). Now that the Audya has a 32 bar memory for chord changes, why not reintroduce this feature, but cue it from the IA window?

OK, I feel better now

The guitar loops... any chance of just coming flat out and saying WHAT extra chords have been recorded for the audio ONLY section? I still have trouble envisioning what this will work like without at least dim aug and sus. None of those can be made from a maj/min/7th at all, and it's the total dropout of the audio loop that has most of us worried. Spalding made a very good point by stating that if you CAN'T tell the difference, why bother with loops at all, and if you CAN.... well, there goes your Unplugged, audio loop guitar styles, doesn't it?
Anyway, once again, thanks for the info... keep it coming.

And.... I can't BELIEVE that no-one at the Jam was interested in playing the Audya!

If they had wanted to jam, they could have jammed on that, couldn't they?

I would have been all over it, I assure you!
Anyway... if your software boffins are still working on the Audya, ask them this; Isn't there ANY way to increase the sample RAM past 64MB..? As fast as this loads (you seemed to indicate a 2MB/sec rate or so) a 512MB limit as a pre-load for a gig now seems a bit more practical. It would be what, about four minutes? That's worth doing. The 25 minutes a Yamaha would take for the same amount, not so much

And, how about the Chord Sequencer? You seem 80% already there...
Thanks for the info AJ, and your patience with our impatience!