Look, that's the main difference between Yamaha and everybody else right there in a nutshell... Mega voices, and SA2 solo voices.
Live styler, AFAIK, does not do the Mega stuff correctly yet, and copying Yamaha's Mega voices brings up copyright issues (remember that old topic?

)... not to mention OS features that make them work (like only transposing notes inside a certain range).
What's the point of doing Yamaha styles in a software form, if all you get are wanky soundfont sounds, no Mega stuff (or off-kilter ones), no SA2 voices and something that sounds like a 90's PSR (and a cheap one at that)? Just so you can play Yamaha styles?
C'mpn, fer Pete's sake!

When was the last time you heard a software arranger that sounded as good as a T3? Or a PA2. Or a G70. Or an S900. Or a cheap Casio!

Translated styles SUCK... period. And the better the style, the worse the translation sucks. The sound and the style are inextricably linked. The MS needs it's own styles, for it's own soundset.
And, if it wants to really be an arranger, rather than a WS with undeveloped arranger styles and sounds on board, it needs a top level VSTi soundset already on board when sold, and styles written precisely for that sound set. Just like every other arranger does.
Expecting the customer to have the skill to do something only a handful of people in the world can do well is insane. Might as well sell us the components to the MS, and go 'design the thing yourself'

There are probably about as many arranger players capable of doing that as there are arranger players capable of making their own soundset and styles...