With Roland laying off workers in Italy, I wouldn't be surprised to see them 'offshore' arranger production, same way they have with WS's. China may end up making most of them, even though they may still be designed by the Italian team...
But, as Donny points out, and the rock demo shows, there really isn't that much NEED for a new TOTL arranger from Roland. It already does pretty much what you need, sounds ballsy and live, and can be got for a song (compared to a T3 e.g.).
In these recessionary times, now's the time to get something for the next five years or so... And, unlike Ketron, this thing is a piece of cake to either edit styles, tweak converted styles on, or even create your own. No audio loop stuff to deal with. Just what you are familiar with... editing MIDI.

That gives it a fair bit of longevity, IMO. If you HAVE to buy a new arranger just to get new styles ('cos the loops are in ROM), that's a pricey path to go down in the long run.