... so, Saturday afternoon I'm playing a surprise party at a CC ... the REALLY nice part for me is that it is primarily an Italian membership at this club, and I have been asked to play a LOT of 'Italian' tunes ...so for starters I pull out my Italian book from when I was a kid playing accordion and brush up on those, and then I supplement that with a bunch of tunes by Jerry Vale, Dean Martin, Al Martino, etc, etc ... since I don't REALLY speak Italian, I learn a lot of the lyrics phonetically
So I start the gig before the guest of honor arrives - it's a 'surprise' party, - and while I'm playing some background tunes one of the 'principles' for the party comes up and tells me that everyone is a little nervous because the G of H HATES surprise parties, and hates having a fuss made over her ...
Well, the G of H arrives and everyone yells surprise and we break into "Happy Birthday" when the G of H does an about face and runs OUT OF THE HALL !!! ...
It had to be a good ten minutes before somebody convinced her to come back in and when she did she honestly wasn't a 'happy camper' ...
We almost had a party without the G of H !!!