Diki, Lee..that was a Tyros style, not tweaked or converted...Dom has that Live Styler integrated with the MS control..It works in exactly the same manner as the Qranger section of the MS..Dom developed the XG sound bank to use with the MS/LS...
I also have my G70 conversions to Yamaha (I used EMC)...this gives me my go to styles that I am use to on the G70..Likewise, not tweaked..although it is completely possible to do so....For the most part they seem usable to me....Keep in mind, I am using the LS/MS, with the XG sound bank...and I found the sounds more than pleasing..
If I get some time this week , I will record a variety of styles, with simple chord changes..I also have some Korg styles , I converted to use with my G70, and then again converted the converted file to Yamaha format...and they are also decent to use..
The styles that Dom ships with the MS, include a lot of Tyros styles, a selection of G70 styles, and an assortment of others...
There is a cool K7 style in the selection too...
The one thing I will change is to lessen the bass frequencies , OOTB...Compared to the new XG sound bank...they are a little dark...not bad , just different..
The "new" MS is enjoyable to play, and yes it does cover the arranger play.....a lot better than my "old" MS...