And squeak... MS owners only get their asses kicked (if you want to describe it that badly) because they DON'T post any 'proof of concept'. They just talk, and talk and talk...

Once any music is posted, it gets the same brutally honest assessment that any other arranger gets. If Yamaha and Korg and Ketron and Roland users are willing to have the sound of their work scrutinized, debated, slammed and praised, what's so goddamned special about MS users? Why is ONLY their work immune from criticism? Or praise... Let's be honest. If the music made on the MS lived up to the hype all it's owners give it, surely we will all stand back and gasp at it's amazing sound?
I will CERTAINLY give praise where praise is due... I've done it in the past (LONG PAST!) when good sounding music is posted on the MS, as I have for everything else regardless of arranger used.
What is so thin skinned about MS users? Bill accepts the slings and arrows hurled by many of us when he posts music done on the Wersi that sounds like a Casio. I slam Roland for terrible GW-8 videos (done by Roland, no less!), but we keep doing it. Only the MS gets a pass?
I can't remember a good piece of music that got an undeserved slam except by some idiot fanboy, and his comments always get drowned out in the sea of approval from everyone else. What do MS players have to fear? Unless they think that what they have created does NOT stand up to scrutiny equal to any other arranger. And Lord knows, none of them will admit that

Pay no attention to squeak... If you have some music you are proud of done on your MS, then post it. Let it be judged as others have. The only thing you have to fear is... fear itself!