Originally posted by to the genesys:
You get what you ask for.
Ask for a style with no RH no chord changes and of course it is going to sound like that.
Show me a T3 style recorded like that and we will get the same review.
It is a disservice to demo a product in the way it was not intended to be used.
What are you referring to, genesys? Did you actually READ my post (I sometimes wonder

I made NO criticism of no RH part. That's what I wanted. Unlike you, perhaps, I NEED to hear what the arranger is doing to be able to judge how well it sounds AS AN ARRANGER. I am all too aware of what all the VSTi's sound like. And a great or a poor RH performance can alter perceptions of the arranger.
No offense, but I believe that I CAN put up a LH style only demo of a T3 or a PA2 or a G70, and have something better than this.
Isn't that the POINT of comparison? To find out what is better? To find out what does the job, and what doesn't. To find out what sounds like REAL players playing with you (due in part to the quality of the sounds, but in a large part, due to the skill of the style programmers) and what sounds like uninspired, flat robots.
Here, for instance is a page of T2 sound and style demos (click the link for Media clips). So far, AFAIK, there isn't a T3 page like this, but this is fairly close to the T3 anyway).
Anyway, all efforts to the contrary, we are finally getting some more recent audio demos of the MS. And that is a good thing. Now, members here finally have a chance to make up their OWN minds about how the MS sounds, rather than simply listen to TALK from it's protagonists, and lousy demos from it's manufacturer...
Whether this convinces us of it's competitiveness at being a real arranger or not lies in the hands of objective review. Rather than biased opinion.
And that's a GOOD thing, isn't it?
[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 03-15-2009).]