Wow, at first I thought this might be an April Fool's joke but the thread is dated the ninth.

Glad everyone got out okay without any injuries or worse.

Aren't there any sirens in the vicinity to alert people of a possible tornado Don? I realize sometimes that even though there ARE sirens it can happen so quick that the sirens don't help in some instances. At least not in giving people enough time to find sufficient cover and safety anyway. If there weren't any sirens at all then it's each man for himself and fortunately everyone escaped the tornados wrath. FWIW, that would be my biggest fear in moving out to the Mid-West or South i.e. TORNADOS!!

I'd rather continue and take my chances in "Quaker" State, California than risk living in "Freight Train" Louisiana home of the infamous Tornado Alley.

I applaud your courage Don and each and every person that continues to daily take their lives in their own hands by living in that area of the Country.

I guess you get used to it after a while I reckon though huh?

Just like we get use to our houses and buildings rattling and swaying violently back and forth on occasion here in California too, eh?

Once again, glad everyone got out unscathed Don. Well, all but your car that is.

Over $400 bucks for a windshield with a $500 deductable must have made you day huh? As long as you and everyone else made it out alive is the greatest relief. The windshield can always be replaced.

All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 04-11-2009).]