So fame is a prison...? And you respect those that labor quietly in the background over those thrust into the spotlight?
So why the fascination with this?

BTW, duh!

Of course I know that Huang's act was a comedy. The point was, it was TERRIBLE comedy, and has died the death despite the same hoopla surrounding it as Susan has. Now it is a tragedy.

Huang had the same kind of numbers, a vast internet following, movie offers, yada yada yada. I see no difference.
BTW, thanks once again for the Obama reference. Of course, by the same logic, of course, those sheep voted for Bush not once, but TWICE. Yet another terrible comedy that turned into a tragedy...

Thanks for the Mann reference, though, Had almost forgotten him and Cynthia... although I was more of a Goffin and King guy, myself. I had the great pleasure to work in the Brill Building some in the eighties. You can definitely feel the 'vibe' in there...