So I'm correct in saying the Audya is @$1500 too expensive, but I'm not correct in saying that the style editing tools are limited and complex?
Look , for the sake of following your argument, first tell me if you have EVER extensively tried out the style editing tools on a modern Roland... Because, apparently from your logic, you shouldn't make comparisons if you've never used them...
OK, first things first.... Dan. Every style you call up, you hit a button called 'Makeup Tools'. Every single style sound (irrespective of Part - sometimes there are multiple sounds, either in the same variation or in others) comes up in an individual widow there, easily scrolled through. In which, the Tone selection, Vol, Pan, Chorus, EQ, Reverb, Mute (so you can mute one sound within a Part, and have others sound), and most importantly, velocity offset (either plus or minus). Tweak here easily and fast. OK, now go to the drum Part (only one, sadly
). Firstly, you have all those global changes. Then in the same window, you can open up the Kit, and every drum sound has the same changes... Sound, Volume Pan,Reverb Chorus, EQ, and the all-important velocity offset (if you have multiple velocity sound drums, this is critical). Fix what you need, leave what you don't. Style sounds great now. OK... Now either save it as a new style, or overwrite the original. When saved as the original. all edits will now come up regardless of registration (UPG in Rolandspeak). Done. Fast. Easy. Graphically self-explanatory (never had to read the manual).
Oh, and all the mixer aspects of each and every sound (independent of the UPG's Part Vol. and Mute offsets) is available in a conventional Mixer window, to be quickly adjusted with the sliders that are there right under the display and lined up with no visual offset (hate that on Yamaha's, etc.).
It is faster to do than write about...
Plus there's a great tool called Cover Tools, that will revoice, to at least ten or more different selections of sounds, an entire style, or a bass section or just the drums. One button, your rock style uses acoustic sounds, or electronic sounds, or ethnic sounds, or acappela voice sounds, etc.. They are well tweaked, on the whole, and generate easy jumping off points for your own tweaking. One button, remember...
Once again faster to do than write about.
Once again I ask... have you actually TRIED to use these things? Because, apparently, I'm not the only one talking about a subject without actual experience.
If you want to know more about it, I suggest a download of the manual, and the same process I use. Read. Listen. Think..
And Tom... Tom, Tom, Tom...
Firstly, my computer is linked through a MOTU 2408mk2 24bit interface to a pair of Mackie HR824's. Good enough for you? [img][/img] Secondly, about a billion downloads of commercial music have been sold on the iTunes Store of MP3's of commercial music at a quality at LEAST high enough to satisfy the customers (those same people whose opinion of your act you trust so much). That same, or better, MP3 quality is there for every manufacturer download and demo. Please don't confuse compressor 'compression' with data compression (of which even your arranger's ROM is compressed). No offense, but I'll put a 256kbps file up against the original and challenge you to tell the difference (if encoded with a quality encoder) any day. And, anyway, forget all that bull...
If the difference between the real thing and a good quality MP3 is going to decide an arranger purchase for you, you are out of your skull... (I apologize for getting maybe a little bit as personal as you [img][/img]). An MP3 of a T3 sounds pretty much like a T3. All my recordings of my G70 are available in MP3 form (as are most demos, including the Audya's). And I can't hear enough difference between it and the real thing to care a bit, or say it doesn't represent the true nature of the thing...
Hell, I even SAID I liked the sound of the demos... Presumably, I'm wrong, and shouldn't make ANY conclusions about the sound even if it sounds GOOD? [img][/img] Really? Well, OK, I guess I have to start saying everything I've heard on the Audya sucks (because it is an MP3...) [img][/img] [img][/img]
And Tom... To claim such utter G70 absurdities! Either you are FAR more ignorant of the facts than I am, or I'm missing some subtle humor, here... [img][/img]
The G70's default storage is a 50MB SSHD. No moving parts. Bombproof, Then there is a card slot, Once again, bombproof, instantaneous, on the fly loading. So what if it is a bit older than SD. It is functionall identical. The floppy is a legacy interface for courtesy. It also has a USB port, for direct computer communication and backup. No, it ain't USB2. It don't need it. A backup of an entire full HD don't take more than a couple of minutes. I can spare that (don't need it at the gig, because up to 4GB can be accessed by card). There are no sampler loads, no MP3 players (I know you hate karaoke as much as I do!) to bog it down with massive data transfer needs. But If it did have those, I'd rather them on a card than an HD. Seek times are too long for instantaneous load up of styles, songs and registrations.
OK, what's next.. yes, I remember... the break button (or lack thereof), and complete lack of a Break. Rubbish. [img][/img] It not only has a Break, it has two assignable panel switches it can be assigned to, footswitch and FC-7 control, too. Nice try. Don Pardo, tell him what he WOULD have won....
Sorry, Tom, but maybe you ought to take your own advice and TRY something before you comment on it. That is, if you can't be bothered to download the manual and simply find out those facts for yourself, or read a few posts about the issues. Like I can.
My flabber really is getting WAY past ghasted.... [img][/img]
Oh, and Tom... I know people like you, too. Can't be bothered to find out the facts before they come out guns blazing. 40 years playing, and you haven't learned that yet? Tsk....