I'll try to explain it to you Gunnar Jonny.
The Nordic countries have "high" per capita income rates. You guys up there in the frozen North are rich by the world's standard.
In fact, Denmark has the 7th highest per capita income in the world. Norway has the 3rd highest per capita income. Switzerland has the 6th highest. Sweden has the 9th highest. The Netherlands have the 10th highest. Finland is number 11. Etc., etc..
Since you guys are considered "wealthy" by the world's standard i.e. (vs. median-average of the world) then Manufacturer's can therefore "shaft" you at will, since you guys can afford to be shafted I guess.
If you guys can afford more (larger, bigger, more expensive) stuff, Ketron, or any other of the keyboard manufacturer's (or any other company for that matter) simply want their 'cut' of your surplus too.
So that's why you guys pay more up there in the frigid North. You make more, so charging you more has comparatively the same overall effect as other Countries who do NOT have as high of per capita income as you guys up there have - like the good ol' U. S. of A. for instance.
That's why the Audya will cost LESS in the U.S.
Has a nice ring to it don't you think?
All the best,
PS: Oh, by the way... The U.S.A. is listed at number "15" for per capita income. So we're not too far below you guys.
Maybe Ketron just likes the U.S. more, eh?
Maybe it just costs Ketron more to ship the Audya "by way of Reindeer" up to you and they're just trying to recover those exorbitant shipping costs perhaps?
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 04-29-2009).]