Panel layout and physical connectors are too late to fix, but pretty much everything else is software...
Personally, I think they are asking for feedback too EARLY, not too late. Hardly anyone has even PLAYED one, let alone found out what the 'gotchas' are. I wouldn't think that anyone is in any position to make any constructive suggestions that Ketron ARE capable of fixing.
It is pretty obvious that if Ketron COULD stream the guitar parts, and generate more chord choices for the live audio part, they would have already done it. I presume the hardware is incapable of doing more. Makes sense to me, anyway...
Same deal with the RAM for the sampler. I imagine a redesign and build will be necessary before that bottleneck gets fixed (and the needed USB2 gets added).
And the fills (or pickups, whatever) at the ends of Variations must be a design philosophy, and tough to fix without rerecording all the drum loops again...
No, at the moment, I'm not sure exactly WHAT we could tell Ketron that would be of any use for a software fix. Maybe if they are hard at work on the Audya2, but realistically, they are probably focused on bugfixes and software things for the Audya1 right now... And more people are going to need to play and own one before the requested feedback has much value.
A full manual, the editors for styles and sounds, and software to import your own audio drum loops, etc. ought to be the primary focus of the R&D team, at the moment, IMO. Finish it first, before you start work on improvements