Well: my desicion is made up. I think I'll play with my triton, JP8080 and XV5080 for a long time. I'm not going to buy anything else except for the expansion boards/CD's for thsee synthesisers but definitely not a 3d device.
6 years ago if you would want the power of thse 2 devices (triton and xv5080) you needed at least 5 synthesisers. regarding polyphony and expandability. You could only put 1 expansion board in the JV80 and one in the JD990. Virtual analog wasn't even being introduced, you needed to dig for second hand juno's etc.. wich was .. again.. keyboard and not to forget, expensive.
I always look at the whole thing with a cost effective mind. I think one should buy the most powerfull and versatile setup while not squeezing your wallet.
My triton has the MOSS board, the raw analog power of that thing adds up to the more warmer sound of the JP8080. So the polyphony problem is solved
I can use 18 voices of analog sound + a vocoder no less.
The triton gives the user options to expand its sound with the sound set you like most (provided that Korg will give us a library of expansion boards in the future to choose our most desired set from). I can almost say that this synthesiser, with its extensive effects, and routing and diversity in sounds has given me the most satisfaction I've ever had from a synth, regarding creativity-under-one-roof. The percussion sounds very effective. My opinion is that Roland lacked a bit in that department and it doesn't really seem that, if you DON't buy the drum expansion card (SRX-02) for the XV's, you are going to be exhillerated that much. Drum kids from Roland are good as a standard, but it always sounds better on their expansion cards
The waveforms from Roland are superior though. In triton , when you play a string, I'm always annoyed with the looping that you can clearly hear.
Back to expandability. With Roland you already have a wide library. I'd like to install a World, Orchestral 2, techno and vintage synth board in all the SRJV slots for the xv5080. This way, I can start making music in a complete diverse way because all these sounds range from worldly sounds to sci fi sounds, They enable you to get inspiration for almost every genre of music.
Then we didn't even talk about the nex srx boards, I hope that Roland will do some efforts there too. I'm not so enthousiastic for keyboards of the 60s/70s, yet they should ..for example.. do an effort to make a super realistic choirs board. You have it on a sample CD, all done by the london symphonic choir, so why can't they do it for an SRX board?.
I have chosen the XV5080 to replace my old JV-1010/1080, not only because of the catchy sounds and behaviour of these devices wich I came to like very much. (standard patches + fluid way of editing) but because these sounds are beefed up in a 24bit way. I can digitally connect this with R-bus to my vm3100pro. + the XV5080 gives you much more, sample player, expandability, visual editing. These are advantages on an already legendary synthesiser that I wouldn't want to miss..
So why do I say all this? Just because I'm proud of my small studio that's why