Good trombone, the first Organ was very good the second not as good but not bad. The Sax's left something to be desired but not too bad either. The Grand Piano was pretty good but I've heard better on an arranger. The accordion was
very good but if you notice on the top end it sounds a little thin.
>> Maybe my being so critical of the Audya might just rile enough people
just enough so that they go ahead and get one just to spite me.
Which is actually fine and dandy with me because even though I've been critical of the Audya I would really like Ketron to succeed. Really.
One of the reasons is because I want Ketron to
stay in business because that increases the competition amongst all the other keyboard companies products. So in theory, I could be dissing the Audya so it will cause a "reverse psychology" effect on all our "friends" (yes, even you Donny
) out there in internet land, and they will do just the opposite of what they think I'm hoping they should do, which would be NOT to get the Audya.
So, when more people
get the Audya than would have been (if I had actually kept my mouth shut) you (and Ketron) can thank me when Audya sales go through the roof.
I would take a bow but I'm sitting in my easy chair typing this important post to y'all so it's rather hard to bow right now.
All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 05-10-2009).]