Guys � thanks so much for the kind words. I have a call in to my buddy Dave Chambliss in Nashville to find out if this Dave Martin is a mutual acquaintance. He works in a music store and I met him originally when Dave C arranged a great deal for me on a Clavinova � that was the bug that started the whole arranger thing for me.
GJ and Russ � I am elated that you guys like the song that much! I�m also elated that the tools we have today can allow us to put tracks together and come up with a nice sound at a fraction of what it would have cost a dozen years ago. Dave Chambliss was the wizard behind the mixing and he did a great job (a couple years ago). I hadn�t played the track in a while and after GJ�s comment yesterday I located the track and added the Yammie �Glass Pad� for a little �haunting� effect.
Again, thanks guys for the words of encouragement. Although I�m far from being a kid anymore, my excitement about the sound of the sax still keeps me grabbing for it.
[This message has been edited by saxxman (edited 05-18-2009).]
PA4X, SX900 (Baby Genos), Roland U-20, L1 Compact, Way 2 Many Saxes
"My computer beats me routinely at chess - but it's NO MATCH for me at kick boxing!"