Originally posted by leezone:
...sounds like same band playing?
of course it's just like any other keyboard ...
Disagree totally, but that's in a personal perspective (or view) of course.
Not many other keyboard brands that I know about, if any at all, manage to or maybe
they simply won't do it like Ketron does.
While switch styles, patterns, rythms or whatever it's called, it sometimes sounds like
you're playing a totally other arranger, even volume/balance are so different that you
jump in the chair. You may have to adjust a lot before dare to gig. Not so with Ketron,
at least not SD1, and now I can hear similiar status with Audya. Just take it out and
play it as is, you'll make it through the night with no problems.
When I say "same band playing" it's the overall impression, a kind of a singature as we
clearly can hear by Franks demoes.