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#26486 - 06/11/00 12:45 PM SVQ to midi ?
DK Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 04/24/00
Posts: 17
is there anyway to convert an SVQ file to a MID file.... ?

#26487 - 06/11/00 06:53 PM Re: SVQ to midi ?
epu Offline

Registered: 02/20/00
Posts: 466
If you have an XP, you could easily load in the SVQ file and then re-save it as an .MID file.

If you have a JV and a computer, there is a nice third party program available somewhere on the net (look on the JV/XP ring) called SYSX2MID. This program will convert andy Sys-Ex program to MIDI. You could ask a recent audio/MIDI program for a SYSEX request, play the MIDI file from the computer and set it in a loop so the computer will recieve the MIDI info as Sysex data. You then use the SYSX2MID program to convert the old SVQ file (Which would now be a syx file) to .MID!

I hope this helps!

The Infamous EPU.


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