Whats wrong with being labeled a Karaoke :artist"? LOL
I made a lucrative career with it's beginnings in karaoke and many people make a good living today as Karaoke Djs.....
I don;t consider Karaoke and insult.......In fact it got me out of corporate life and I saw parts of the world (like Diego Garcia) I would have never had a chance to see if it were not for a little (new idea in America) Karaoke show at Carlos and Charlies in San Doeigo in 1983
Walk the room with that nike, The name od the game is ENTERTAINMENT and that is not always or reserved for the guys who play the fastest opr most interesting riffs...
UI annot imagine where I'd be if I turned a nose up at Karaoke all those years ago......
Probably still working for Xerox Corp...Ugh....or worse, laid off....still making house and car payments.......double ugh..
[This message has been edited by Kingfrog (edited 06-02-2009).]