#265340 - 08/16/09 02:02 PM
Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Sorry, James, but most players don't need to hear something sound amazing to make their Big 3 arrangers sound good... They simply switch them on, select a style, and just PLAY. And it DOES sound good.
All this is demonstrating is that, unless you ARE a professional demonstrator, skilled in all aspects of playing AND voicing a complex arranger, you shouldn't even BOTHER with the MS unless all you want to do is play a few VSTi live.
Dom doesn't need to hire you (or any professional demonstrator) to merely make a 'proof of concept' demo. He needs to hire you (or a whole TEAM of great professionals) to do all the voicing and styling so that you can switch the MS on, and have the same experience that any normal arranger player does with a Big 3 product. If the MS did this, and THEN had all the advantages that it does over a 'closed' arranger, the world would be beating a path to his door.
But he's too cheap, too lazy, too arrogant, too blind to see that, without this, only the most experienced, best programmers in the world are going to be able to make anything sonically better than the dross we have so far heard. And, let's face it, the best, most experienced player/programmers in the world got better things to do than waste their time voicing and styling a product like this, when there are already PLENTY of products out there that sound great without having to waste all that time.
I have said, for the longest time, that unless Dom licenses quality VSTi like Colossus, Bandstand, GPO etc., and then develops styles specifically for them, all you are ever going to get is poor translations played by unbalanced soundsets. Who wants that?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#265341 - 08/16/09 02:20 PM
Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by to the genesys: And lets face it, we have not had any live hardcore arranger player post on this forum who uses the MS.
Excuse me? Were you absent during Dennis's (Miden) odyssey through MS-land? Here's one of the MOST hardcore arranger users on our forum, a professional, who found the MS completely unusable as a live arranger... Sadly, I think that the reason we haven't had any hardcore arrangers post great music on the MS is that hardcore users don't NEED to buy one to prove to themselves that the whole thing is pointless. Me, I can tell from the factory demos that, firstly, the ROM sounds and styles are a joke (and Dennis said this too), and that this thing is NOT set up OS-wise as a serious arranger... No Bass Inversions, for instance! A feature on some of the cheapest arrangers out there, and one essential to performing music well. This thing is a cobbled together mishmash of computer parts and Linux programming by a techno-geek that CAN'T PLAY MUSIC WELL How on earth are you supposed to design an arranger, if you don't even know what arranger players NEED? And, the FIRST thing we need is for it to work well OOTB. Because the number of people qualified to turn it into something that doesn't sound like the POS we have all heard for the last few years wouldn't be enough to keep Dom in gas money, let alone keep the company afloat. It becomes all too apparent that the only people buying and trying to use an MS are those too unskilled and inexperienced to know how hard this thing is going to be to work. Or those, like Dennis, that continue to listen to the legion of MS fanboys that either CAN'T make good music on it themselves (but continue to support it rather than admit they have been duped), or don't even HAVE one, but continue to argue for it because, IN THEORY, it OUGHT to work well... How is YOUR MS coming along, to the genesys?  Yep, that's what I thought...  It is WAY past time that the only recommendation and support for the MS should come from owners who can actually DEMONSTRATE that it is all they claim.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#265343 - 08/16/09 05:18 PM
Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14367
Loc: NW Florida
Sorry, but once again, a pretty poor analogy with the MotifXS, there... There are PLENTY of user demos that demonstrate how good the XS is. Quite obviously, despite being a fairly complex beast, its' owners somehow manage to tame it (at least, SOME of them). And that, my friend, is the point (which you constantly ignore)... SOME XS users manage to make great music with the XS. But NONE of the MS users so far have managed to achieve this. In fact, you can take just about ANYTHING out there, and find quite excellent user produced music. Nothing, in my experience, has managed to stymie its' users needs as effectively as the MS has (if making good music IS your goal  ). It appears quite unique. Theoretically, you would THINK this 'open' stuff should make BETTER music than its' closed brethren. But, post all you want, talk all you want, argue all you want. You simply CANNOT argue with the utter dearth of user music that succeeds in living up to the 'potential'. They have had FOUR YEARS to achieve this, and, IMO, virtually no-one has succeeded. Everyone is either using these for playing VSTi's live, or they are sitting at home, virtually unused, while their owners go out and gig on more capable, more usable keyboards. Before you make any more comparisons to other keyboards, go out and listen to the BEST that their users have managed. Then listen to the best that MS users have managed. And ask yourself 'is Dom DELIBERATELY only selling to people incapable of making good music?'  No, I am sorry, my friend. If no-one has got this beast tamed after four years of trying, it is pretty reasonable (more than reasonable, IMO) to say that it CAN'T be tamed. And, if you don't believe this, I suggest you go and BUY ONE, and prove us wrong (or right!) for yourself... You are probably as tired as I am waiting for someone ELSE to do it... 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!