Originally posted by cassp:
You might also wish to investigate Band-In-A-Box
But it doesn't support custom samples, or does it? That's definitively a requirement. I'm not too interested in preset voices or styles, however contemporary they may be -- I wanna make my own sounds.
Originally posted by to the genesys:
You can sample on the Genesys. But you would want to get the Genesys S or the XP.
Yes, the Genesys is an interesting piece of hardware. Just as I started getting interested in arrangers, a Genesys appeared on German Ebay. It went for just 550 Euro (about 800 US-$?)... I was really thinking of bidding, but then this is still a lot of money... I guess I'll have a look at some cheaper solutions. Or maybe just go on with multitracking on Cool Edit. Well, we'll see.