hi Frans,
personally, I haven't found any shortage of styles.
I've collected 200 to 300 of them in different genre's. I think they're basically from prior korg keyboards, so they work reasonably well without much tweaking required.
There's also stuff on the Korg site
http://www.korgpa.com/pa_root/en/extra/bonusware.html?en Apparently there's also styles on this German site, unfortunately I can only read 1 of about every 10 words, so bit hard to make sense of haahaa.
There is also the option of modifying existing styles, by simple mixing of style tracks to come up with a new version of an existing style, or you can export a complete style as a midifile into a pc sequencer, edit, & save.
I convert ( from other keyboards) & create (not from scratch) some of my own styles.
best wishes
Originally posted by FransN:
Yes I am also a member of http://www.createsongstyles.com/forum/ they also have a lot of styles for diverse keyboards. So I think there will be enough free styles available for the korg pa series.