Hi Russ,
It was great to meet you in person. I appreciate you taking the time to visit but I'm sorry we didn't get to play before you had to hit the road for your gig. I hope it went well. Also, thanks for the nice words. I have been in several bands over the years and one of the coolest things about The Modulators other than they are all fine players is the fact that all eight of us get along so well together. Maybe this is more common than I am aware, but as an example, when somebody takes a solo, the rest of the guys make a point to compliment the soloist when he pulls off a neat lead. And there is never any up-staging. I feel very lucky to be with this group.
One of these days I would love to get the chance to come to one of your gigs. Or if nothing else to have a tour of your museum
. And if you do ever get the chance to come up this way, I would look forward to it. BTW, the band website
www.modulators.com (which is in desperate need of a major make-over) includes a calendar with our public gigs.
Again, thanks a lot for stopping by.
Best Regards,
Wm. David McMahan
JazzItUp Band [This message has been edited by WDMcM (edited 06-16-2009).]