Hello All!
I'm new to the home studio and am finding myself a bit overwhelmed.
My question is about the computer connector on the back of the XP30. I was preparing myself to buy a USB MIDI interface to connect from the MIDI Out in the XP30 to a USB port in my G4. I'm using Pro Tools Free 5.0.1 and they state the G4 might need addition hardware (in addition to just having the MIDI interface) but the apple support site has proven to be less than heplful. On top of my confusion the XP30 manuel has a commputer out serial port.
I have OMS 2.3.8. as well.
Can MIDI info travel through a non-MIDI cable and if so is there way to interface with the G4? There are USB ports, FireWire and Ethernet port but no printer or modem ports.
I'm confused and I'm just getting started.