Hi vargo
I dont have reply to you so fast, because I'm still half in vacation and not always on my office.
reply to the ll email by Iphone without 3G network is really hard..
Anyway, here some suggestion on your MS issue:
1) you have already installed the last OS 3.2rev 1674, the new kernel have fixed the all midi serial issue too and must always play when you booting. If you stll have the dream chip latency, this can be the reason:
A) The OS 3.2 need min 2Gb Ram, because the sampler suck to much ram for the persistent RAM giga sounds. Press the MS key HD, will display the KDE Infocenter, then touch the MEMORY field, will display the all memory available. Look IF you have running the HD swapping memory, must be free at 100%, if not, mean that the HD is started to creating virtual memory and the all system start to be really slow.
B) From OS 3.X Ubuntu, is only tested on mainboard Asrock NF3 and K10N78, I'm NOT sure that will full working on your dated mainboard SKT800, for sure is also missing some drivers.
C) On OS 3.2 we use now the JACK MP ( multi processing) and need min a dual core CPU or you will get a lot of xruns or latency. The kernel is compiled on dual core, this I told you before.
2) I know that Jack can be complex at the first time, but is the only smart digital I/O matrix able to configure your setup how you like:
http://www.lionstracs.com/store/images/2008/jackmultiasio.jpg when you booting the MS or restart the system, this jack interface will be never used, this is used only when someone will configure some special or crazy I/O matrix.
one simple example how to use the GIGA sounds from external device:
Open Jack Asla, touch the serial Midi IN 1 and then touch on right side the Linuxsampler Port 1, then press connect.
Now, connect one midi device player on MS Midi IN and wil play the all giga sounds as GM/GS...is really SO simple!
Same if you will use one Asio host, synth..
want play one external expander with the MS?
Press the MIDI PATCH 9 and 0, are the Midi OUT 1 and 2, connect one external expander and play it. You can also edit the midi CH trasmit and save the configuration., is really so simple.
3)start the calibration Joystick mode and reverse the axis, follow the display info and every time you have positioned the joystick axis, press ENTER and continue, untill you have calibrated the position of the 4 axis. This features was made from hernann..buenos aries.
4)You have about download the all giga library from my web store, do you have listen the all sounds? You have also some asio host installed and you can install how many more you want and Play.
Let me know, then I reply to your email too BUT I will not reply here..I made only because Zmago asked me.