Originally posted by bruno123:
How boring it would be without a Diki this place could get sane. (grin)
John C.
I know you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but can someone show John C. how to insert a smiley into a post

Okay, I've been tempted to respond before, especially to the recent 'piling on' mentality that seemed to have developed among even some of our more reasonable and rational members, when it came to ANYTHING posted by Diki, no matter how innocuous, inoffensive, or insipid. Thank goodness none of the people I respect most ever engaged in any of this, but in fact were more often the voice of reason and mediation when the attacks became personal and obviously based on something other than the content of his post. Luckily, Diki is more than capable of defending himself.
But, back to the topic.......
I hate to rate people so I'm not going to come right out and say Capt. Russ is at the top of my list......even if (hypothetically) he was

. But I think most folks on this forum (and I'm sure in his larger world) can only be in awe of his generosity, his involvement in causes that benefit people of all persuasions, the help he has given to individuals, some of whom he has never even seen (scholarships, tuition assistance, etc.). I love his appreciation of the great musicians (and music) of the past, and his vast knowledge of same. I really, really, love his energy, especially at a time when a lot of us are at least thinking about slowing down a little. I had the recent pleasure of meeting Russ and his equally nice son (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree) and I hope that many more of you get the opportunity to meet Russ....one of the good guys in our business. BTW, with his activity schedule, Russ could legitimately use a clone or two

. Okay, so he's an organ player so I may be a little biased

Diki......has all the qualities I admire most; a keen intellect along with the verbal and written skills to put it on display. Also, a fine musician with a vast knowledge of not only music but the music business as well. I have sometimes been astounded at his insights (such as recognizing my fondness for music from the "STAX RECORDS" era and how it influences some of the things I do musically. The guy really does know his stuff. Very high on my list of people I'd like to meet in person.
Ian. Ok, so he's a Yammie fanboy (Diki's words, not mine). His wit and humor is second to none (guess you'd better have one if you're going to live on an ice floe

). I wish I had his book of quotes. I was pleasantly surprised to see (hear) his formidable musical skills on display. He made even a Yamaha sound good

. Another guy I'd enjoy having a beer or two with.
Nigel.....I was in management most of my working life and it's easy for me to see the management skill, judgement calls (knowing when to jump in or allow things to play themselves out), tone-setting, etc., that is required to keep a (potentially) volatile board like this viable month after month, year after year. Not many could do this job.
Okay, time to slither back to obscurity until something new needs my attention

. I AM considering throwing a 'quick and dirty' "This Masquerade" up for fun. If I do, I hope Ian (the absolute master of 'tongue in cheek') is as kind to me as he was to F...whoops, sorry, the devil made me do it
