Well, we are back from our visit to the deep South ... and surprisingly, with all the heat and humidity down there, the worst we felt was when we landed in RI just after a thunderstorm had gone through ... I sweat just as much from the plane to a taxi as I did playing golf ...
But about the trip - WHAT A GREAT TRIP IT WAS !!! ...
Getting together with Don, Bill (semilive - which he was playing golf the next day

), Hank and Conrad and OF COURSE their LOVELY ladies was VERY special indeed ... on the way back to the motel that first night, Lydia said it was like we had been friends forever ...
I was THRILLED to have the opportunity to 'take the stage' for a bit with Don and Hank, and as a 'solo', but make no mistake about it -
NO ONE is going to unseat Don at Ernest's !!! They absolutely LOVE him there and rightfully so ... the man is in full command of his extensive talents ... I couldn't tell if he sings better than he plays or plays better than he sings, ... his voice is like 'vocal silk', he plays great piano, and when emulating a guitar - well, if you closed your eyes you would swear there was a 'picker' on stage ...
And it was great hearing Hank on vocals and keys also - and by the way Hank, I thought about it later, and I apologize for 'horning in' on 'Dock of the Bay', but that's a favorite of mine ... hope you didn't mind too much ...
For a musician's union official, Conrad sure makes a great showing for himself and all live musicians ...
As for Mr. Pittman, I know he is a songwriter and it showed when he was on stage with Don ... the man can turn a lyric even while making short work of Ernest's cocktails

Speaking of Ernest's - from the outside this has got to be one of the most 'unassuming' upscale restaurant you will ever find ... but INSIDE - nothing but first class ... the service was great and the quality and taste of the food absolutely won Lydia and me over from the first bite ...
And speaking of the food - Don has got himself the best gig I've ever seen ... he gets a full course 'chef's choice' meal every night!!! I have to say, if I lived there I would fight him for the gig and work just for the food and tips !!!

So Don shows me how good an entertainer he is at night, and then takes me out the next morning to his Private Golf Club - which incidentally sits in his 'back yard' - to show off on the links ... Is there NOTHING this guy doesn't do well ??? ... plus, he is playing with golf clubs he MADE himself !!! ... and even with his self proclaimed "$100 hangover", Bill put on a clinic as well - these guys can HIT a golf ball ...
And our thanks once again to Susan, Linda and Judy (?

)) for making Lydia feel right at home, especially while I was 'on stage' ...
We would LOVE to come back, so some serious thought is going to be given about the Jan jam ...
and thanks for the kind words guys,


PS to chas ... through a real foul-up by Continental Airlines, I had to fly back on Delta ... of course we had to stop in Atlanta, but there wasn't enough time to try to see you ... but, someday


PPS ... While I was disappointed in not hearing the AUDYA, the SD5 ROCKED !!!