Regardless of which sound system you use, every venue has it's own acoustics to contend with. Everyone will hear the same volume, but the acoustics of the room, obviously, will vary depending upon a number of factors including floor composition, ceiling height and composition, wall composition, number of people in the audience, etc.. There is no, single EQ setting that will work in all venues. Sometimes the basic smile pattern works just fine, while there are times when you may have to lower the bass because it's overwhelming. When I first began using my L1 Compact I created a midi file on the keyboard, turned on the midi, and walked throughout the venue while it played. Then I would go back to the keyboard, make a few EQ changes and walk the venue again. When it sounded good, I saved the information in the keyboard's user area so it could be recalled the next time I performed at that location. This will take a bit of experimenting, but the little bit of time it takes is well worth it.
Good Luck,