Originally posted by Seamaster:
Does this mean there's the possibility of getting the styles off the GW-8/L and onto the E-80/G-70?
I guess that remains to be seen. It is possible that only the edits will get stored (as offsets to the style) and the style data remain unavailable, but it is also possible that the whole style gets stored in a user accessible area. This ought to mean that, finally, we will get a chance to use them in our E/G series...
One problem that is likely to remain unsolved is that, especially with the GW-8L, there are a large number of new kits that feature the Latin percussion unique to this product. Without those samples in the E/G series (and no SRX with them on), translation with the Makeup Tools is going to be iffy at best...
[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 08-30-2009).]