Only 16 new styles, all in the "World' category, so likely to use the proprietary Latin kits, IMO...
Newly added functions in System Ver.2
Creating a User Style
• You can easily create a new Style by accessing the STYLE MAKEUP screen for an
existing style, then changing the sounds or modifying the way the sounds are
• Dedicated MFX (Multi Effects) for Styles are now provided, allowing you to apply MFX
to the sound of a style independently from the keyboard performance.
• You can use realtime recording or step recording to create a new Style by recording a
performance for individual parts.
• You can now specify two or more Style parts as drum parts.
• You can use editing functions such as quantize and copy to create Styles efficiently.
• The STYLE MICROSCOPE screen lets you edit the individual notes of a Style in
• You can use the EZ Convert function to create Styles easily.
Recording or Editing a Song
• You can access the SONG MAKEUP screen and easily change the sounds in a song or
adjust how the sounds are produced.
• Dedicated MFX (Multi Effects) for Songs are now provided, allowing you to apply MFX
to the sound of a Song independently from the keyboard performance.
• In addition to “realtime recording,” which records your performance just as you play it,
version 2 provides “step recording,” which lets you enter notes and rests one at a time.
You can select the recording method that’s most appropriate for the part you want to
• You can use editing functions such as quantize and copy to create songs efficiently.
• You can use the SONG MICROSCOPE screen or SONG MASTER TRACK screen to
edit a song’s individual notes or tempo data in detail.
Other Added Functions
• The “STYLE FINDER” screen has been added, allowing you to select a Style from a
list sorted by number, name, or tempo.
• The system pedal setting now allows you to assign BEND MODE to the pedal.
• A place for making MIDI settings related to the performance of Styles has been added
to the system settings; it’s named “SYSTEM STYLE MIDI (NTA).”
• The performance settings now provide a “Chord Zone” parameter, which lets you
specify the key range for chord detection.
So far, I can't seem to glean from the manual whether the WHOLE style is stored in a user area, or just the offsets, but it SEEMS like it stores the whole style... good news, if so.
Dramatic news, though. This upgrade is, AFAIK, the FIRST Roland system to allow TWO (or more!) drum tracks in a style. About bloody time!
Also, we get SOME of the power of the E/G series' Makeup Tools (but nowhere near the visual and tactile ease of use), but without the drum kit editing that makes the E/G so powerful. Still, as I thought in my review of the GW-8L a while back, now that styles CAN be edited (including the all important MFX insert effect), this is one HELL of a good bang for the buck...
BTW, The NTA parameter is fully explained in the manual for the update, and seems comprehensive (except for no Zone recognition area from the NTA channel - so you'll have to set that on the source instrument or computer). P.43 of the manual explains it all...
One small disappointment... The 'Bend' parameter assignable to the footswitch input is NOT a pitch bend (which would have been great for hands free bending). It merely toggles between the three modes of pitch bending which still need the lever to operate.
But all in all, this update is incredibly good news from Roland. For a start off, it shows their continued interest in the arranger form (despite them STILL not wanting to acknowledge that it actually IS an arranger

), something I had almost given up on!

And it shows their continuing interest in making hugely significant upgrades at no cost (take note, Yamaha!) to the user.
Kudos, Roland...