Thanks squeak. At least you got the point...
It's not about whether the drums are live or not. It's whether you can hear them at all

The vast majority of arranger players SAY they want 'live' sounding drums. But, OTOH, the vast majority of arranger demos I hear have them so far back in the mix that, in essence, who can TELL what they sound like..?

I remember the response to the great Audya demos as being predominantly, 'they sound great, but the drums are mixed pretty upfront'. Fact is, they sound great BECAUSE the drums are mixed pretty up front

And, in all fairness, you mix whatever you are playing, whether Yamaha, Korg or Roland THAT much up front, and you will get that sound (or pretty close to it). Arranger drums are MUCH better than they used to be. But you have to mix them up front for anyone to tell...
Play with a live drummer, and see if you can EVER drown him out... Best of luck on that one!

If you want to sound 'live', whether it is natural OR electronic drums, give them a chance to cut through what you are playing. Your dancers will thank you for it...

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 09-06-2009).]