Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
This is the OL solution: http://www.novationmusic.com/products/midi_controller/remote_sl
Then add some of this: http://www.korgnano.com/
One PC with 15" touchscreen fixed over the Remote SL = Neko XXL+++ 
If you are not able to install windows, reaper and some Vst..then better that you buy the OL.
Have SENSE with this all AVAILABLE PC hardware/software to develope a new PC windows/OSX case??
For that seem to me so stupid and lose a lot of money for nothing..all is already available.
[This message has been edited by LIONSTRACS (edited 09-14-2009).]Currently you are very close to the truth... And thats exactly what i am using at my home (Okay i use a roland Midikeyboard and a korg padKontrol)
But when they add KARMA to the Neko, it will be a true instrument. And the Dbeat (module) is just as expensive as a Macbook pro...
Or maybe the Neko of the future does not only have an open software architecture, but also have an open hardware structure, where you can choose the controllers that you want, instead of the controllers as they where lay out by the developers.
Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
You make me just laugh...

One week more and then you can start to see online on my webstore the first 3-4 new products..
Then soon the remain another totally NEW 4 low cost keyboards stage and 2 Rack..
As allways i am following your new products with interest, I am a fan of the way openly talk about your products, and the technical innovation in them, you are probably the pioneer in the development of tomorrows arranger keyboard/workstation
Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
Bachus.. you continue make comparation with OL and continue posting on OL forum too...but why you will not buy it??
Lets just say i am very interested in all these technologies, but currently not yet willing to pay that much money while not being totally certain if it will fill my needs.
Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
Maybe are you worried that you are NOT able to running one arranger software like Livestyler and then NOT able to play the all other sounds VST?
( remember that Livestyler is one HOST, when is running then you can NOT run some others application)
OR maybe there are missing the all Arranger keys/patterns feedback hardware features?

No Dom, my main concern is running intoo the same problems as i currently do with my software set-up. There is no community and there is nothing that works out of the box, while i don't mind (i love it) tweaking stuff till perfection. I do miss those moments of getting a style from a friend and loving it straight away. Or just selecting that perfect factory style, to play the number i just heared on the tube..
Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
IF the OL can make ALL, JUST ask for a Live demo: running the Livestyler and then play the all others sounds with Forte or what they like...I really want to see too what they can make under Live stage.

I don't think the OL can do it all, but the stuff they show just looks and sounds so much better then you or your German demonstrator playing on the Media station.
I personally think you are a class A technician and a Class A programmer and you are making a Class A product. But there are much better musicians on this world then you or me.
You allready have someone assisting you with making sounds and samples for your product. Maybe you should also get someone to program styles for your product... Just 200 class A styles and a few (free) new ones every week would make a huge difference if you really want to be a player on the keyboard Market.
And then you'd need a demonstrator like Michel voncken just to make some youtube video's (With sound recorded directly from mediastations digital or analog out)
Don't get me wrong, i am possibly one of the greatest fans of your work as a technician... But in an arranger you don't need only the program, you also need the data...
What good is the best HD televivion in the world if you keep watching analogue black an white laurel and hardy VHS tapes on it ?
I think this perfectly describes my feeling about the Mediastation.
Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
Who know that maybe I will not also develope a totally new keyboard with windows OS or OSX?
Please don't, Linux is the ultimate OS to use as an embedded product on your keyboards...
I am a big Linux fan and a SOLARIS system administrator myself and i know that there is absolutley no reason to use anything else then Linux, espescially with the improvement of Wine and other products like it.
Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
For me one Keyboard like the OL seem to much stupid, because NO native software, just PC parts assembled in one case..
Just take one simple USB midi controller keyboard, one Laptop and just some more Korg Nano controller = Neko XXL and all cost LESS than 1000 USD.
Just look the last Pro tools advertising that they made...running protools with the external audio rack device? Have this sense?
You mean that with one standard PC, one 150 USD touch screen and Korg Nano you can NOT running pro Tools or Reaper?
For this all standard PC features assembly in one case, make really NO sense.
This NOT mean that i'm not able for editing some my new case to put a normally Windows or OSX version.. we will see.
I agree with you on this one, i don't understand why they would ever use pro tools if Reaper comes natively with the Neko...Its just to much for me..
But if you look at the total package of their video's (espescially the stephen kay one) they give people inspiration.
I really understand that you want to invest most of your budget intoo developing as good an instrument as possible, but to make really good salesnumbers you will need a professionall to make some Class A styles and performances and then demonstrate it on the Ultimate advertisement space (youtube) everyone will see it and its for free...
I just hope you make some good salesnumbers and will be able to keep on developing because there is some really great stuff inside the mediastation.. which is lightyears ahead of systems like the Audya