I am not sure I articulated my point well... I simply believe there isn't the DEMAND from young keyboard players (the meat of the market) to integrate everything, computer, DAW, VSTi's and WS features in one 'all in one' package.
To be honest, I would shudder at the thought of having to do a complete production 'in the box' when faced with those tiny display screens (tiny in comparison to a pair of 24" widescreen monitors, anyway!).
The only reason I can see for putting it all ITB is so that you can carry it around with you more conveniently than a laptop. But, on the whole, who needs a DAW on the go? Most of the really high end VSTi's are not designed for the 'live' experience, and, in all fairness, 'closed' arrangers or WS's get SO close that the extra detail the VSTi offers you is lost on the live listener.
Back in the studio, I would prefer to have all the components separate, to balance the loads better. Maybe in the future, when CPU horsepower gets up to as yet unheard of power, they MIGHT make something that can do it all as effortlessly as the tower computer based systems (and I MEAN 'systems' - one computer isn't generally enough) and as affordably as modern WS's (and arrangers

But, as you point out, modern production is a team effort. Why load yourself up with something that can do EVERYTHING (even if it could), when your needs are so much less?
I simply don't see the large percentage of computer based musicians moving wholesale away from the things that make THEM comfortable, to go back to stuffing it all in one small box with a small display. And if that is not an issue, if it is static and has large monitors attached, it begs the question 'Why bother?'... The sytems we have right now do the same job as ably, and considerably less expensively.
This issue, to be honest, was decided back in the nineties, when everybody moved wholesale towards computers, and once we got hooked on how easy it all was when you weren't trying to do whatever it was you were trying to do on a tiny little display, there really hasn't been much of a trend back. I for one would never give up my music production rig for a NeKo, and try to do it all 'ITB'.
BTW, although there isn't much released nationally that is the work of one man, an AWFUL lot of local work, jingles, band production, radio spots, you name it, actually IS done by just one man in one studio.