I owned an XP-50, and now I own a triton. And I know the 80's improved but having played with one there are similarities. Anyway, I would go for the triton, simply for ease of use, I mean, the rolands sounds are based on 4 tones so you want to add lfo ? easy - NOT, first select the tones to edit wade through endless menus to get to where you want, try to figure out exactly what 0-127 values in T1,T2 blah blah blah. Effects are difficult to implement, you have to turn on parameters in different modes to hear a change, patch, performance blah blah. Its just not intuative. The korg is not a wild synth and if your into programming the XP can reward, but its a hassle and not much fun. The korg is simpler so it gives your mind more room to make a tune (hey that rymes!) The korg I say. But wait, theres more, why dont you consider individual items, if you have the room, stand alone units will allways be better than a workstation. Cheap sampler, old synths, drum machines, effects boxs, etc, and it means you can have some great lost evenings with yur mates playing along. How many people can you have together playing one workstation, no fun, no feedback, no creativity.