Happy New Year everyone!!!
With this new year, I decided to start off with a new project. I'm calling it Asmatronica Open Sample Project, which is similar to Open Source. An artist will release a track, and along with it a sample pack of all the sounds used to make the original. Pretty simple concept. Nothing really new here...
However, this is not a competition of any kind! Thus there are no winners and more importantly no losers here. Your participation automatically qualifies you to have your remix posted on a site which will be announced in the future.
Furthermore, I invite others to release their tracks in the same Open Sample format. Maybe something like this already exists on a larger scale, I'm not sure, but it doesn't hurt to release on your own.
The original track "Dropcicle" can be found here:
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/3/asmadeusmusic.htm The entire sample pack can be downloaded here (7.4MB) :
http://asmatronica.com/opensample/asmatronica001.zip Feel free to pass this along, and let me know what you think!