As a music dealer's friend described to me the other day, "The average TOTL, and MOTL arranger buyer is usually financially comfortable, retired, and of average musical talent.
Of course there will be exceptions.
Joy in a keyboard can come from many quarters. It can come from the “feel” of a button on the panel. It can come, such as it does in a PSR-S910, from that spine-tingling organ sound.
It can come from the way a sound caresses your ear, from the way the electric pianos have that nice warm touch of distortion.
Joy can come from a nicely designed and ergonomically perfect panel and screen, from the surge you feel when you play the Feedbacker Guitar sound. Sometimes, as is the case with the Tyros3, it can come from so many places, all at once, you are left feeling a little bit light-headed. Even the way the wheels feel will make one's heart feel all gooey and warm.
Yamaha realised a long time ago that
what you make people feel, is just as important as what you make.
You can buy a cheap Casio that lets you play "Blue Spanish Eyes", or "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" with two fingers, and you may be pleased with the savings you’ve made. But saving money is
never joyful. It is mean-spirited and demonstrates that you have a heart of coal.

If you wish to lead a joyous life, you should always spend 10% more than you earn.

Ah you know the meaning of the phrases, "Things go better with Coke",
"Coke revives and sustains", Live on the Coke side of life" all you have to is substitute the word "Yamaha" for "Coke".

Happy playing.
[This message has been edited by ianmcnll (edited 11-29-2009).]