I love them all. Every keyboard from MOTL to TOTL does an outstanding job. They all have a host of attributes that make them stand apart from competitive brands in the same category, but overall, they're all great.
Keep in mind, however, that it is imperative that you learn the keyboard's operating system and know all of the intricate nuances that provide the end product you wish to achieve. I cannot stress the importance of this enough. I know dozens of players, guys and gals that play nite-clubs, bars, upscale restaurants, you name it and they play there, and more often than not they don't have a clue about what their keyboard can and cannot do when it comes to the board's inner workings.
Same holds true for sound systems. Most of the so-called Pro keyboards do not have speakers. Therefore, beyond the keyboard's EQ system, they must rely on the outboard sound system to provide the end product. How many times have you heard some guy standing on the stage and saying "check--check" into a mic, but never have someone listening in the audience area? Yeah, it happens a lot. That same individual will just as likely not check the output of his or her keyboard at all, especially at the audience level. DUMB!
The one component that makes them all sound great is a talented musician/entertainer sitting down at the keys. And, he or she does not have to be the greatest player on the planet, but they must (as DNJ used to say) deliver the goods.
Having owned lots of MOTL keyboards over the years, including Korg, Yamaha, Roland, and several others, I can honestly say they ALL sounded great. And, for the most part, when I upgraded it was primarily for technological advances, followed by improvements in sound quality, and of course, lots of new styles.
I guess what I'm trying to say is it's hard to dislike any aspect an instrument that provides me with such a wonderful source of music, entertainment and at the same time, provides me with a good income. Yep, I still love them all!