Bill, Cass, Don and even Chas got it right...Diki for the most part got it wrong..

A "keeper" from a first impression means I want to continue to explore because I initially find it great..
Compared to my "non keepers"..first impression soured me in one or more areas..
Here is my list as an example of non keeper (I held on to some for a few weeks, to see if I would miss anything)..
Non Keepers:
PSR2100 (Yamaha)..Where do I start..

quality built, SMF play, most sounds, key feel, mic/harmonizer...all negatives..

Yamaha Tyros3..just not worth the cost to me..I am being kind...

Roland Fantom x6..I just never liked the sound selections used in the Fantom series..Choirs and lack of scats..are driven parameters are awkward..
Korg Triton Studio 76..bulky, unusable sounds for me (Hip hop oriented).bad design for sequencing and sound design..very overrated..
Roland Juno G..bad key feel..even though they were better than the is Roland;s worst keys..Too many menu driven options to get where you need to go..Only 16 parts, not allowing separate parts for realtime keyboard parts..
Roland Juno Stage..some player glitches and poor load time..Only 16 parts..same result as the Juno G..
Roland Sonic cell..Limited song files on Thumb drive..originally 99..upgraded to 399(All Roland's now are 999..Prelude,GW8, Juno Stage)..
Now to clear up some wrong statements from Diki..
I never owned or played the Podium 10's..

I still believe the Podium 802 at $110 each is the best power for the dollar on the market..

I have 2 pair of 802's..a pair of 1204's, a pair of 1503's...I think I am making a statement in support of Podium..

I used/owned the Roland E-600 for 4 years..
The K4 was sold to DNJ..He pleaded for it..I did not intend to sell it..

I would have to confirm my current list of "keepers"....
G70, Prelude, My ancient Cube 100's (4)..
My MediaStation..

My M-10dx Edirol mixer..
My 46 year old custom made accordion..

My Sano amp (also 46 years)..
These are givens..and will only be replaced if something better comes along.. [img][/img]
Naturally there are "keepers" that just age and we sell off..because it is the Roland G1000, VA7, DisCover 5, JV1000, XP80, VR760, etc..
To recap..a keeper from my first impression is exactly as Bill stated..