Amazing Grace Song Set
I have uploaded 18 Praise and Worship songs to that can be downloaded to your computer. Each category is it�s own zipped folder.
There may be some songs that you do not know so I have stayed as close to the melody as possible.
Categories for download.
1- Mp3 Files for listening � Sing-A-Long
2- Midi files which can be modified and played over.
3- Lyrics in Microsoft Word form.
4- Lyrics in Text form � For those who can load them into their keyboard.
1- Amazing Grace 10- Lord I�m hungry
2- Come, now is the time to worship 11- No other name
3- He is Lord 12- Shout to the Lord
4- Holy Spirit 13- Glorify Thy Name
5- How I love that man call Jesus 14- Something about that Name
6- Jesus inside 15- This is the day
7- I Love you Lord 16- Turn your eyes upon Jesus
8- In the presence of Jehovah 17- I will praise the Lord
9- We bring the sacrifice of praise 18- My life is in you Lord
For Mp3 Audio For Midi File For Lyrics For Text File