Originally posted by Bill in Dayton:
Scott-Can you give a brief over view of how one would put sheet music/charts into the Tyros 2?
Hi Bill: Tyros2 & Tyros3 can display .txt files of lyrics and/or chords, and also have them automatically called up via REG 1-8 buttons when saved in a Reg Bank File. I recommend creating lyrics files utilzing Windows "NOTEPAD". With Tyros2 and font set at 12pt, each line char. max is 63 characters, and the page length is 18 lines, with the 19th line begining page 2, etc. Tyros3's maximum char length per line & and page length (lines per page) is slightly more.
As far as displaying leadsheets (notes/chords) you're able to display them, but only as a background image (sorry, forgot what image format), but I find it impractical on such a small lcd screen, opting to simply display lyrics and chords only (.txt) as I've got no problem playing melody notes by ear as long I've got the chord progression as a road map.