Message from another user:
Here's where I got disks full of patches. I got them in .mid format, unzipped it, and found lots of files in lots of categories. Put them on a floppy, took it to my
keyboard, simply played one of the files as if playing a sequence, and had a host of patches. Of course, each time you play a different file, the info in the user banks will change. You'll end up deleting a few of the files probably, because the patches in them are not really that good or are completely unsuitable for your needs.
As far as saving info on disk, push disk, push numeric 2 for save, press enter, select sound for file type, name the file anything, mine was called "my sounds" and press execute. A file called "mysounds.SVD will be on the disk.
I've had no problem reloading my own SVD files back onto the keyboard. Only SVD files I downloaded gave me problems; maybe they get corrupted when I unzip or something, but .mid files have never caused any problems for me.
Hope this helps.