Originally posted by Ketron_AJ:
Ketron Styles are Copyrighted and we will be updating our website shortly to include this information (which we had in our older manuals but must have missed in the newer ones). However if you purchase a Ketron instrument, you are free to use the Styles and Production material (Live Guitar sturms, Arps&Licks ...etc) for your Live performances or studio creation. As for the reproduction of cover songs ... etc, you'll have to look into the regulations as set forth by the parties who own the original material you are trying to re-produce/use.
This information once more will be update within our website and with OS4.0 soon to be released.
ketron styles are Copyrighted, but what about ketron style format extention?
if a software like livestyler can read ketron style and you buy ketron SD2 and ketron styles are you allowed to use the styles?
if you are not allowed to use ketron styles that you have payed to ketron to use with a software arranger, but if the ketron style file extention is not Copyrighted are you alllowed to use third party created styles with ketron file extension for ketron producs (becouse when you buy third party styles, they are not created by ketron but with ketron file extension).
please answer this KETRON AJ