Originally posted by Lucky2Bhere:
I really want to learn this song as it's a great piano piece. I did more research on it this morning and I'm getting nowhere. CVS was told the song is the Golden Dragon and the composer is Karl King. That's not correct. I called the Karl King museum out in the midwest and they verified that. Karl King wrote circus music 100 years ago (mostly for Barnum and Bailey).
CVS also told me the song has been the "hold" song for at least 4 years now and that the person who originally decided to use it is no longer employed. So the folks who are there now have no way of determining the correct title.
I'm wondering if any of you would mind picking up the phone and calling CVS, Best Buy or Staples and asking to be put on "hold" and listening to it to see if you know it?
Get a digital video camera film yourself and hum the tune, we can see what you look like and name the tune! Oh don't forget to post it on YOUTUBE and send us all the link.
BTW bet most people would name this one with the first two bars
dah dah dah dah - dah dah dah dah