Hi, 88.
If your're using SoundDiver, try this:
Get a user performance you don't need (or get temp performance) and initialize it.
Enter the editor mode (double click).
In performance common click keyboard range.
In part 1, set receive channel to 1, select your patch (DEMO P Bass)and in key range set HI to highest noteon LH. Now, take part 2 and set to channel 1, so both patches receive messages on same channel. Select other patch (Piano Strings) and in key range set LO to the lowest note on RH. that's it.
If you have used a user performance, this is already stored at the JV. If is temp performance, you may want to save to a user location on JV or a file in your hard disk.
Look the user performance (factory default) 001 Eastern Split and see how split is programed.