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#28428 - 07/24/00 10:38 AM VE-JV1 in my A70 controller
Heyoop Offline

Registered: 09/14/99
Posts: 97
I just add this board to my A70 and I can only get 64 Patches. It says that it has 512 patches but where can I get those. When I press the patch button in A70 I should be able to 128. How can I get the rest? Please help me. Thanks in advance!!

#28429 - 07/24/00 02:52 PM Re: VE-JV1 in my A70 controller
Jick Duck Offline

Registered: 12/16/99
Posts: 140
Loc: Brooklyn NY
Hi heyhoop.
I too have the A70 with VE-jv1 expansion board. Indeed, it does have more than 64 sounds. What you have to do is press the (destination) "int" button and make sure the "patch" button is lit. You will then be able to change the patch for each of the internal zones. To know which one you are changing you will have to look in the display and see which zone is underlined.
By the way, what do you mean by "it says"? My expansion board didn't come with any literature. I got it in a plastic wrapper when I bought the keyboard. The store said that this is the way all of them are. Is there any way that I can get the literature? Perhaps download it from the web or maybe email?
Thank you

#28430 - 07/24/00 03:22 PM Re: VE-JV1 in my A70 controller
Heyoop Offline

Registered: 09/14/99
Posts: 97
Thanks for your reply. According to that it has 512 patches.

#28431 - 07/25/00 08:46 PM Re: VE-JV1 in my A70 controller
Jick Duck Offline

Registered: 12/16/99
Posts: 140
Loc: Brooklyn NY
Thanks, Heyhoop.


#28432 - 07/31/00 10:08 AM Re: VE-JV1 in my A70 controller
Fernando Justo Offline

Registered: 10/28/98
Posts: 49
Loc: Rio de Janeiro,Brazil

The VE-JV1 has 512 patches, as the brochure says.
The misunderstanding is that the A70 access directly PERFORMANCES, and not PATCHES.
A performance is made by up to 4 patches, layered or splited (zone A,B,C,D internal).
You have 64 internal performances, but the keyboard can access up to 128 performances if you use the External M-512 RAM card, so if you set for a performance grater than 64 without the RAM card you will have a message "No RAM card present".
To ear the 512 patches, you may select a performance (anyone), let just one zone on and change the parameters PROG CHG (program change - last row left side button) and Bank select (last row second left button).
I'm not in front of the keyboard, but the bank select may be 81 (MSB) and 0,1,2,3 for the (LSB)(look on the brochure). You will have 128 patches x 4 banks = 512 total patches. Some of them are repeated.


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