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#28500 - 02/11/00 09:42 PM xp-50
Matic Offline
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Registered: 07/21/99
Posts: 18
Loc: Pace, Fl. USA
I have a Trinity and am looking at getting an xp-50 as a back-up board. Does anyone know if that model has the grunge-defect like the other models. I think I heard once that this one doesn't have it. Any opinions (or facts) would be nice. Other than the xp's, I don't know of any other synths that I really would like to have as back up.

#28501 - 02/13/00 06:00 AM Re: xp-50
sentinel5 Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 01/10/00
Posts: 13
Loc: brighton sussex england
I've had a '50 for a few years and havn't found any such faults - the only criticism I have is the lack of outputs, but if you're using it as a secondry then this'll probably not bother you! Apart from that they really are an excellent sound source especially if you push the sound parameters to the limits
happy hunting!

#28502 - 02/20/00 10:40 AM Re: xp-50
Massive Offline
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Registered: 02/12/00
Posts: 5
My XP-50 is 4 years old and it sounds great. I agree with sentinel about the lack of outputs, the sequencer is a little bit difficult to handle because of the small LCD and it only has two faders for tweaking the sounds. If I could go back in time, perhaps I would buy the JV-1080 module and a MIDI keyboard instead, but I love my XP-50, it was my first synth and I would not change it for anything.

#28503 - 02/20/00 04:41 PM Re: xp-50
Uncle Dave Offline
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Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 12800
Loc: Penn Yan, NY
This may sound like MY own "pet peeve" but the keyboard feel on the XP-50 is weak compared to the newer models. The spring action is much lighter, and the sequencer is about 1/2 the size of the ones in the XP-80 & 60. The sound engine is the same, if I recall - but the key action ......yuck!

Uncle Dave
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#28504 - 02/21/00 03:01 AM Re: xp-50
stigf Offline

Registered: 11/19/99
Posts: 145
Loc: Tromsų, Norway
I have an XP-60, and I must say that the decay grunge-defect is not very audible. I have to turn up the volume of my amplifier to max as the sound decays to hear it at all. Besides, it is related to the D/A-converters and not to the synth engine itself. It only appears when the total signal-level from the synth drops below a certain level; it does not appear at the end of every instrument decay while playing. Besides this defect, the sound quality is excellent. Many people say the 30/60/80/2080 have better overall sound-quality than the 50/1080.

I would suggest anyone interested in the XPs to go and listen to a 60 or 80, and decide if they can live with the defect. If you can, then the 60 and 80 are great synths. I don't think this defect is a big problem.

Proud XP-60 owner..

#28505 - 02/21/00 08:08 AM Re: xp-50
Clintd Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 09/28/99
Posts: 13
I've had my XP50 for about 3 years now. I like it, but I must admit the 2 line screen sucks. You'll have a hard time adjusting to it after using the large touch screen on your Korg for so long!


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